Sunday, 4 April 2010

Great hospitalities in Manchester!

On the very April fool day, I went to Manchester again for the 4th time because I have to attend an interview on the next day. Thanks to QX for offering her house's living room's sofa for a night. I wish my room has that kind of sofa, it is really comfortable as I can sink myself into the sofa fully! I unavoidably became relying on her in finding ways to destination like the interview hotels and bus stops when I was not there alone..hehe..Also, luckily she is nice, or else I will be so pai seh because I didn't inform her that my another friend LF might stay in her place too..Apparently LF didn't bother to explain the situation to her as well..that's really not I would have wanted or done but I apologised on his behalf before I came back.
Then for 1/4's dinner, QX, together with HL and AB, brought us to a korean restaurant named Seoul Kimchi. The food there has got a lot of varieties, combining korean and japanese and with reasonable price, compared to Nottingham! I guess having rivalries is always good for the consumers...The restaurant was supposed to be closed at 9.30pm. When we went there it was 9.45 already and they were serving their supposedly last customers in there. QX LF and I went together and HL and AB went before us and we planned to meet there. HL and AB arrived first and they were rejected by the lady boss because they wanted to close already. Then when we arrived, we didn't see HL and AB and didn't know they have asked already. So, QX went in and asked whether we can still eat. The lady boss said we can order something simple as she thought we are just three people. Then, HL and AB re-emerged out of nowhere and the lady boss said oh I got cheated! Haha..It was so funny.
Nevertheless, she treated us nicely. We ordred a kimchi, a korean style dong fen and 5 korean bento and nothing else but she gave us a lot of extra food, like a kind of cold korean soup containing vegetable, and another dish of vegetable with dunno what sauce is that, and 2 extra bowl of rice!! The chopsticks are really nicely designed. So we sat there and took this and that, I felt like eating at home because there were so much food that u can simply take and no need to consider need to share it equally among your friends!However, at the same time, we felt quite bad because they were supposed to close the restaurant d. HL and AB kept on teasing QX to make her feel guilty until she decided to help the lady boss wash the dish at least to let her go home earlier. in the end, we were too full and were unable to finish the food and left a little bit. The lady boss said the dishes will be washed tomorrow by another worker. haha...lucky us..Then on the way back, HL and AB were still teasing QX to make her feel more guilty. They said what if the lady boss being robbed on the way she went home and also, her husband might not be happy that she went home late all that...LOL...poor QX...perhaps she won't dare to go there again...
Then on the day to the interview, we missed the damn bus for dunno what reason because we were early already. Then we decided to take taxi QX, LF and I joined by QX's friend M. The cab driver there was quite nice as well. surprisingly he is a White British as I have never seen White British driving a cab here in Nottingham. Mostly is by Muslim here. The price can be negotiated!!so we just need to pay 5 pound for a ride for a distance like BGP to broadmarsh!
So there goes interview and I think I am lazy to share here at the moment about the interview. LOL..but after that, QX and M went shopping immediately while it was my turn to enter the interview room..Girls really...hehe...Then when I came out and met them, something bad happened because QX lost her certs while they were kept in M's folder. So M felt very guilty and three of us went to police station together to report that. In the mean time, QX kept saying its ok coz it can be replaced soon if not found. After making the report, I went back to nottingham. Then at that night itself, QX msn me and said the certs have been found! So efficient in a way...
So, these are all hospitalities stories in Manchester.I think that's a wonderful place as everytime I go there, I can find something new, including the police station this time hahaha....But also thanks to QX or else my previous week will be crapper in addition to my abstract and guidelines deadlines....

Monday, 8 March 2010

25012010 The Beginning of An End(2)

上个学期学了免疫系统,考试时好像很厉害那样,写了一些上课没教的,照讲师每次说的 Standard,这个应该至少可以拿个六十以上,可是我居然没有拿到。
既然这样,也许是我学得不好吧!但我确实对它有兴趣。人不是很喜欢打打杀杀的吗?原来在人体里的免疫系统每天都与细菌这么做,做到一些时候,有时人本身反而被免疫系统害死。世界上也是如此,多少个人被自己的同类发明的武器杀死,已无从考证了。所以,我其中一个module 是关于各种各样的寄生虫,它们所传染的细菌及疾病,还有又是免疫系统。这个 module 里,我研究着到底寄生虫们能不能与人共存,从而避免一些人被自己的免疫系统消灭。有趣吧?当然,我其实是研究人家的研究,所以我也还没有正确的答案。但趋势确实是趋向好的一面。所以,人类还真应该向大自然学习啊!
然后,说回那个presentation 的科目吧。我第一次这么喜欢自己完成的功课。我的presentation slides, 我看了又看,真的很喜欢,哈哈。。在这个科目里,有个解决病人医药问题的部分,和上个学期的差不多,但需要找出那个病人患了什么病,然后药物之间有什么问题,还有如何解决最泊切的问题,加上病人的药物有什么是可以改善的。虽然这个部分只占了二十分,但每次练习时我都很用心,因为这对我的前途大有帮助!

25012010 The Beginning of An End (1)

有时,得到的东西不是你想要的,你要当作那是上帝的礼物。我时常觉得生活上,我们可以主宰一半,而另一半就交给命运了。我的project 就是这么一个例子。从来都没想过会拿到这个研究癌症细胞的,但就是拿到了,也不能换,也没什么啦,帮助我的人都很好,也许神知道我的手并不精于做事,所以他安排了一些好人监督着我。
这个学期可以选择一些课来上。我从来都对presentation 有恐惧感,第二年时,当讲师 谈到这个module 要presentations 和其他东西做时,我断定我一定不会选它了。想不到,两年的光景就改变了我的初衷。而且,当我真的present 了,那成就感真的很高,当讲师说我做的好,我真的很高兴!也许,我从来都没有自信,这是命运安排来让我提升自己的。
另一个module, 是“谈生意”的。我只对前面两堂课有兴趣,因为后面两堂课那个讲师似乎把他们的成功将得太容易了,我还要和政府做六年的工,谈什么都太早了啦!

Saturday, 9 January 2010

















她垂下眼,喝了一口花茶,突然失笑,「妳知道吗?有一次,我干脆迟到一个钟头,临出门前,却接到了他的电话,他说他不能来了,他和国外的大老板要开紧急会 议,约会得取消。我挂了电话,坐在地上,大笑了十分钟,笑到眼泪都流出来了,那一刻,我第一次感觉到,我们之间的牵系慢慢松动了,有一种东西,慢慢从我体 内流失了……那是等待的动力,很奇妙的,我想,继续这样下去,我会干枯而死,像他家里窗台上的黄金葛,明明很有生命力的东西,在他有一搭没一搭的浇水下, 竟然也枯萎了,妳说,妙不妙?」










